Getting into the Water -- or Website

The internet seems to have a zillion places where an emerging artist can set up a portfolio website. So one can (as I have) spend a lot of time dithering about, while trying to determine what-is-the-best-choice-to-make. Eventually, I decided that this is a bit like getting into the cold water in a mountain stream -- you just count to three and do it.  (Growing up in Vermont before the days of global warming, my mother had a rule that we had to get out of the water when our lips started to turn blue. Clearly, the water was fun to be in -- once you got used to it.)

Anyway, I've arrived at Squarespace, and seem to at least have gotten a foot in the water; I've just set up my first gallery page. As in a page that actually is a gallery of my own photos. For the first day or two, I still had up the example photos that came with the template I'd chosen. By the time I'd gotten myself registered, picked out a site template, and gotten a domain name, I needed some sleep. The photos in the template example are very good -- but they are not mine, and they clearly needed to be replaced.

So tonight I've put up a gallery called Blues -- as in plural, not sad. I recently had a photo selected to be part of an upcoming exhibition at the Darkroom Gallery in Essex Junction Vermont. The theme of the show is Blue. So I thought I might as well put some of the photos I'd submitted and considered submitting for the exhibit up on my new web site. The photo that was selected is in the group here. If you want to see which one was chosen, take a look at the gallery's website here: As you'll see, this will be a very good show; I'm honored to have my work included.

Now, my next job is to get to where the water/website is up to my knees.